What is ASSET?
ASSET is an approved alternative licensure program through the Indiana Department of Education and Indiana State Board of Education. ASSET falls under the Transition to Teaching umbrella, but does not award an initial teaching license. This ICASE sponsored program is for currently licensed Indiana educators to be able to add a special education teaching credential. Successful completion of the ASSET program, coupled with passing the appropriate licensing exams, will enable educators to add either the Mild or/and Intense Interventions endorsement to their existing license. ASSET was approved for three-years of initial program approval on 4/13/2022.
What is the difference between ASSET and I-SEAL?
ASSET is a non-credit earning program that utilizes field experience opportunities, coupled with intensive monthly learning sessions in special education content and pedagogy and will help prepare candidates to take and pass the appropriate PRAXIS exam for their license add-on in special education in intense and/or mild interventions. The monthly sessions will be hosted by ICASE field experts and aligned with standards from the Council for Exceptional Children. Candidates for ASSET must already possess a valid Indiana teaching license in another area to be eligible for this add-on option. A portfolio with specific components will be required at the end of ASSET prior to the candidate acquiring the special education license. College credits are not awarded for this alternative path.
I-SEAL provides funding from the Indiana Department of Education for interested candidates to pursue their special education licensure through a university setting or transition to teaching program. Folks interested in I-SEAL may contact Dana Jones (jonesd003@uindy.edu) for more information. I-SEAL has the capacity to assist with tuition associated with T2T programs when the program requirements are met by candidates. University courses taken and passed through I-SEAL partners are credit bearing.
Who is eligible?
Currently LICENSED Indiana educators (does not matter what area).
Where is the program located?
The initial intensive training sessions will be “in-person” in a central Indiana location. Monthly meetings will be held via Zoom.
How much does it cost?
A top goal for ASSET is breaking down barriers for candidates and schools, such as cost. With that in mind, ICASE is working hard to ensure that there is no direct cost to your district or teachers to participate in ASSET as a T2T program. There are associated costs to plan for with your Director of Special Education and/or Superintendent such as (but not limited to):
- Classroom sub for monthly meetings (required)
- Mileage to and from bootcamp (required)
- Lunch cost at bootcamp (required)
- Local lodging for bootcamp (required)
- Additional contract days or stipend for teachers to attend bootcamp (if driven by the local contract)
How does it work?
The format for ASSET is an eleven-month intensive study program in content and pedagogy that is aligned to the CEC standards, and allows for local practice opportunities and skill development as well. Candidates will participate in a required three day intensive training series in July. The intensive series will be in person. Intensive training will be referred to as "Bootcamp" in all future communications. Bootcamp will be held at Noblesville Schools Community Center, in Noblesville, Indiana, on July 15th, 16th and 17th, 2025. Additionally, candidates will participate in monthly virtual meetings beginning on Tuesday, August 5th, 2025. All meetings fall on the 1st Tuesday of each month from August 2025 through May 2026.
What is needed from the school corporation?
In addition to planning for associated costs, school corporations will need to assign the special education director, or designee, to be the point of contact for the ASSET candidate(s). This person will be responsible for monthly meetings with the ASSET candidate(s), completing the monthly checklist, and working with their candidate on the completion of their portfolio. The director or designee will be the main point of contact for the ASSET program director. This partnership will help ensure that candidates' experiences and CEC standards are supported and embedded into the local context of the district. This is an essential component of the ASSET program and provides the necessary localized support for the candidate’s growth as a special educator.
Where did this concept originate?
ASSET will be the first program in the nation to offer this transition to teaching (T2T) license add-on option in special education through their state director of special education’s association (ICASE). After consulting with a variety of stakeholders, including IDOE, we discussed the possibility of creating a unique licensure pathway for meeting current needs. The core essence of ASSET is to maximize the collective efforts of schools and directors around the state, lean on field expertise, and provide a venue for license add-ons that can be completed within the candidate’s traditional work day.
What are the next steps?
- Copy of your professional teaching license (MUST be an official copy from LVIS, not a “teacher lookup” screenshot) It is important to note, this is NOT an alternate or emergency permit. It must be a permanent professional license from Indiana.
- Most recent teacher evaluation (please contact us if you need to substitute a traditional evaluation for some other type. An example might be a new teacher who has no previous teacher evaluations).
- Letter of support from your Special Education Director on corporation letterhead (this recommendation must come from either your local district director of special education or your cooperative director of special education. Other administrators will not suffice for this requirement). A template is available here: Director Letter of Support.
- An affirmation within the application that you will remain teaching for two years after completing the ASSET program (pending passing score on the PRAXIS and acquiring your special education endorsement).
- Discuss this with your superintendent and begin planning for local expenses, time to participate in the program monthly, and coverage if needed.
ASSET Handbook and FAQ
Please email: help@assetindiana.org for a quick response or call 317-759-2895 with any questions that arise.
We look forward to receiving your application and attached materials!
Dr. Jay Arthur, Director (jay@assetindiana.org)
Andrea McIntosh, Assistant Director (andrea@assetindiana.org)